EDU-GATE – Final Conference and last TPM in Sofia, Bulgaria – 08.06.2023

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On the 8th of June was organized the last transnational partner meeting for the project EDU-GATE: EDucational University GATeway to enhance innovative E-learning capabilities, resilience and new best practices, project No. 2020-1-IT02-KA226-HE-095538. The meeting was followed by the Final International Conference. The events took place in Sofia, Bulgaria and were organized and hosted by the European Center for Quality Ltd. During the TPM consortium partners discussed the finalization of the project and the remaining reporting activities as well as financial issues and topics.

The EDU-GATE Final Conference began with introductions by consortium partners and presentations of their organisations. After that the project coordinator – LUISS Business School, presented the project, its objectives, and results. All materials and products developed throughout the project lifetime were presented and explained, including the countries research reports, online training curriculum, learning contents and the 12 learning modules, as well as the integrated online platform for digital integrated learning, multi-level cooperation and resources sharing. During the Final conference the specially invited guest, Dr. Hristo Chukurliev gave a speech on the topic “The future of e-learning”. The event concluded with a cocktail during which participants had the possibility for networking.

For more information about EDU-GATE project visit the website: