SUHET – Creating and Implementing Education for Sustainable High-end Tourism throughout Europe
Creating And Implementing Education For Sustainable High-End Tourism Throughout Europe In the beginning of 2022 a partnership between 5 European partners started within the frame of the SUHET (Creating and…
Second Project Meeting in Brussels, Belgium
The second project meeting within the project “Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” – WIN-WITH-U, Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079826 was held in Brussels, Belgium on 24.03.2022 and 24.03.2022.…
A Targeted Anti‐Bully Approach in Schools by Campaigning and Organising – TABASCO
The internet creates great opportunities for young people: online learning and cooperation, leisure contacts, shopping and selling. The importance of these opportunities is growing. TABASCO project seeks to develop and…
SUHET: Creating and Implementing Education for Sustainable High-end Tourism throughout Europe
“SUHET: Creating and Implementing Education for Sustainable High-end Tourism throughout Europe” (2022-2024), ref. number: 2021-1-FI01-KA220-HED-000031996, is implemented under the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2: Partnerships for Cooperation in the field…
Финална конференция по проект WHATtoDOIf
От името на Европейски център за качество ООД и на екипа по проект WHATtoDOif – "Ефективна подкрепа за успешна интеграция на чуждестранни общности чрез подобряване на езиковите умения" имаме удоволствието…
More Opportunities Less Differences Project – Second Transnational Project Meeting in Valencia, Spain
The second face-to-face project meeting within the “More Opportunities Less Differences” project, No 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080384 was held in Valencia, Spain on 10.03.2022 and 11.03.2022. The meeting was hosted by NETEUROPE and…
innCREA Project – Second Transnational Project Meeting in Rome, Italy
The second face-to-face project meeting within the project “Standards for implementing programs aimed at discovering and developing creativity, pioneering in pursuit of innovation” – innCREA, Project No 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081849 was held…