On the 16 th and 17th of October has started a new EU project WHATtoDOif – effective guidance for successful integration of foreign communities through language acquisition. A group of five consortium members representing participating organizations from four European countries (ECQ from Bulgaria, The Mosaic from the UK, SYNTHESIS from Cyprus and FRAME from Poland) were guests of the Spolek PELICAN in Brno (Czech Republic).
During the first meeting, all participating organizations presented themselves and the program of international cooperation was launched. The main purpose was to get to know each other and to agree on basic project issues. The program included setting out the objectives, outputs and time schedule of the whole project. During two days of intense work, the next steps to follow were planned, such as dissemination activities, intellectual outputs or the organization of upcoming meetings.
The host organization Spolek PELICAN gave the participants the opportunity to explore the city of Brno. They learned about Brno history, saw typical architecture and tried traditional Czech cuisine. The meeting was successful, all of the partners were professional and creative and we spent two pleasant days with a great company.
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