The blended (face-to-face and online) partner meeting for the project DigiWork – Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Human Resources Management: Innovative skills to enhance HE students` employability, flexibility and transversal capabilities (project N.: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000032182) was held on 13-14 September, 2022 in Riga, Latvia.
During the two-day meeting consortium partners discussed the progress and development of the Intellectual results and all project products and materials. Partners discussed the development of the national reports that are part of Result 1. New tasks were assigned and distributed among the consortium related to Result 3 (Learning contents, workplace guidelines and skills assessment tools). Another session was dedicated to the integrated online platform that is part of Result 4. During the meeting partners also discussed topics related to financial and administrative issues, as well as, dissemination activities. Deadlines were discussed and revised and new ones were set. The TPM ended with a summary of the decisions made during the meeting.