The IPAL project is a joint initiative of 5 organizations from Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Germany that seeks to promote the professional development of adult trainers and the quality of adult education.
IPAL project aims to improve the current situation at a European level by developing quality assurance tools and training resources split into three Intellectual Outputs.
Thanks to our joined forces and solid experience, we are proud to announce that the last intellectual output (IO3) is now available in English. It is an analytical tool which consists of screening questionnaires and scorecards applicable for both self-assessment and external assessment of Adult education providers (AEP). Till the end of October it will also be available in all project partners’ languages such as Spanish, Greek, Italian, German and Bulgarian.
The questionnaires are split into the four crucial phases of the educational process of for every AEP – Planning, Delivery, Evaluation and Monitoring, Outcomes and Impact. And once the Adult education provider itself or the one put under external evaluation, goes through all questions, it will receive important information about its strengths and weaknesses, as well important and useful advices how to improve its performance and impact.
For every Adult education provider eager to evaluate its place in the educational field, the IO3 questionnaires and the corresponding scorecards are available and free to explore on the IPAL project official website: https://ipalproject.eu/.
For more information about the IPAL project, you can keep an eye on our Facebook page .