sCOOL-IT – Innovative ICT-based training approach to reshape school education and training


Acronym of the project: sCOOL-IT

Ref. №: Ref. № 2019-1-BG01-KA201-062543

Duration: 24 months (01.10.2019 ÷ 30.09.2021)

Programme: Key Action 2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices within Erasmus + programme

Project website:

Facebook Page:


General Objective:

+ sCOOL-IT main goal is to create an innovative ICT challenge-based training approach aimed at supporting educators in the process of conveying knowledge, promoting the development of key competences (digital, science, mathematical, etc.) among their students with regards to boosting their performance in these fields and enhancing their digital skills.

Specific Objectives:

+ Promoting high school students’ digital skills through application of challenge-based digital training approach in general school subjects

+ Equipping secondary school teachers with innovative ICT challenge-based training materials to enrich their pedagogic approach

+ Creating prerequisites for educators to create own innovative challenge-based teaching resources through the use of ICT

Target groups:

1) Secondary school teachers & headmasters

2) Secondary school students

Main activities and оutputs:

A 1 – Project management & coordination

A 2 – Quality Management

A 3 – Dissemination and Exploitation

A 4 – Development of Intellectual Outputs:

O1 sCOOL-IT Web Adventure Portal

O2 sCOOL-IT Comprehensive training programme

O3 sCOOL-IT Web Adventure Development Toolkit


Secondary schools which adopt the sCOOL-IT training approach will strengthened their images as modern educational institutions open to the application of innovative teaching methods with regards to ensuring high-quality educational service for their students. Students engaged in learning by WebQuests in these schools will be more devoted and motivated in the learning process in general school subjects which will lead to improved performance. Teachers in schools utilising the sCOOL-IT approach will increase their confidence in applying constructivist teaching methodologies and using ICT for teaching purposes which will result in desire to further enrich their pedagogic approach with new teaching and assessment methods and thus multiplying the project impact. The cumulative impact of the aforementioned will be expressed by boosting the educational service offered by secondary schools applying the sCOOL-IT challenge based approach.

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