National information campaign „DEESME: Developing National Schemes for Energy Efficiency in SMEs”

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Industry representatives, energy experts, and stakeholders gathered at Launchee space on 16 November 2023 in a dynamic event addressing the current state of energy efficiency in the industry sector. The agenda included insightful discussions on amendments to the Energy Efficiency Directive, offering a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities in the sector by Ms Tsvetomira Kulevska, Director of DG “Coordination and Management of EE and RES”, SEDA.

Ms. Angelova from European Center for Quality Ltd. presented in detail the “DEESME Approach,” outlining strategies to support Bulgarian enterprises in energy auditing and the implementation of energy management systems. Emphasizing the multiple benefits of improving energy efficiency, her presentation shed light on crucial steps for sustainable practices.

Doc. Marko Dimitrov from TÜV NORD Bulgaria Ltd.  delivered a compelling presentation on “ISO 50001: Implementing energy management systems for a sustainable future.” His expertise focused on the systematic framework for SMEs to establish, implement, maintain, and improve an energy management system, which would help SMEs identify, prioritize, and implement energy efficiency measures, leading to reduced energy consumption and operational costs.

Next, Ms Angelova, ECQ presented the progress of the project “DEESME 2050: Developing Energy Efficiency Projects in SMEs for European 2050 targets.” The session explored innovative approaches to drive energy efficiency projects in small and medium-sized enterprises, specifying the project particular tasks and the profile of companies to be engaged in training, walk-through audits and ISO 50001 system implementation and certification.

Mr. Kiril Raichev from Alliance for Energy Efficiency addressed the crucial topic of “Implementation of the ESCO mechanism in Bulgaria,” providing insights into the advancements and challenges in adopting ESCO (Energy Services Companies) mechanisms focused on the renovation of existing infrastructure to be repaid totally or partly through energy savings.

The event concluded with in an open discussion, providing participants with the opportunity to present their projects and initiatives. This collaborative session and the following cocktail fostered networking and knowledge-sharing among industry professionals.

For further information on the DEESME project: