HI-GLOBE Final Transnational Meeting in Sofia

  • Post category:News

On June 22, 2022, in Sofia took place the final transnational meeting between representatives of the HI-GLOBE project partner organisations which was hosted by European Center for Quality (ECQ), one of the six organisations in the project. Every one of the participants shared its feedback from the local Hi-Globe Multiplier Events. There was discussed the number of quests who have attended the local MEs and it was noticed that there involved different group of stakeholders involved in them – educators and students from private and public Universities and Schools, VET representatives.

During the final HI-GLOBE project meeting have been also discussed the project intellectual outputs, some financial and administrative issues, the dissemination activities planned for the end of the project and after the end of the project, the quality management and sustainability of the project results, and the final steps and task distribution.
For more interesting and useful information – check out HI-GLOBE project website: https://hi-globe.eu/, and HI-GLOBE e-learning platform: https://hi-globe.eu/educators-students/.