From 27 to 28.05.2022 in Chania, Greece the third meeting of GAME IT project, “Gamified interactive training to prepare disadvantaged learners for international VET mobility in the tourism and hospitality sector” took place. The meeting was hosted by the Directorate of Secondary Education, Chania (EL). All partner organizations were represented and a total of 12 participants from Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey, attended the event in person. The Slovenian partner participated online.
The first day of the meeting started with some general administrative and financial management issues and a review of the project implementation status – activities, achieved indicators and target groups reached. The discussions continued with a review of the progress of Output 2 (the gamified e-learning training program) including technical issues related to it.
Another important point was the development of concepts and methodology for O3 (Educator`s toolkit is planned to serve as a comprehensive guide for educators looking to prepare their group of learners for mobility abroad), as well as the planning of stakeholder consultation on Output 2 and 3 and the upcoming project events.
Special attention was paid to the planning of dissemination and exploitation activities. All of the participants were deeply engaged in the constructive discussion about the finalization of IO2 and the remaining activities.
The meeting finished with the elaboration of a work plan for the remaining activities and the events planned by the end of the project.