The fourth partner meeting for the project DigiWork – Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Human Resources Management: Innovative skills to enhance HE students` employability, flexibility and transversal capabilities (project N.: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000032182) was held on 18-19 January, 2024 in Tenerife, Spain.
The partner meeting started with session dedicated to the project management and financial matters. In the following sessions partners discussed the Results of the project – finalization of the Methodology of Res 2, the development of Result 3 – Learning contents, workplace guidelines and skills assessment tools. Partner discussed the templates and content requirements and set deadlines for the upcoming tasks. New tasks were assigned and distributed among partners. In another session was discussed the Integrated online platform (Result 4). Special sessions were dedicated to the project dissemination activities and also to the project quality assurance. Partners were informed with the current results and the level of adherence to project indicators. The Quality assurance leader provided the consortium with recommendations and suggestions for improvements. The partner meeting finished with a summary of the decisions that were made and deadlines that were set for the new upcoming tasks.