upgrade2europe – Last Transnational Partner Meeting and Final Conference in Berlin, Germany

  • Post category:News

18-19 July, 2023

On the 18th July was held the last Transnational partner meeting for the project upgrade2europe (Project No 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007626) in Berlin, Germany. Consortium partners discussed the remaining activities, the finalisation of the project, including dissemination and exploitation activities, quality assurance and financial matters. On the following day, 19th of July was held the Final conference of the project, organised by the project coordinator emcra. Various people from the project target groups attended the event. After the presentation of the project materials and resources were organised interactive sessions with the attendees during which they could explore more in depth some of the project deliverables. Another very interesting session was the interview panel. In this sessions partners` representatives answered different questions related to the topics of the upgrade2europe project.
