On 17-18 May, 2022 it was held transnational partner meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece for the project EDucational University GATeway to enhance innovative E-learning capabilities, resilience and new best practices – EDU-GATE. All project partners – Luiss Business School, Linfa Digital SRLS, Rigas Tehniska Universitate, University of Macedonia, SYMPLEXIS, Burgaski Svoboden Universitet and ECQ attended the meeting and actively participated.
During the two-day meeting partners discussed the Online Training Curriculum of IO2, that was presented by UoM partner. Another session was dedicated to the EDU-GATE E-learning integrated platform of IO3. Linfa who is the leading partner for this product presented new features and suggestions for interactive elements and multimedia innovative tools of the learning content. All partners actively participated in the followed discussion related to the development of the platform. In the next session ECQ shared details and information related to the dissemination activities and dissemination results. Special attention was dedicated to the website of Edu-Gate project. Partners made suggestions and comments for further development and adjustments of several features of the website. Another session included presentation of the learning modules, that are part of IO4. RTU partner shared details on the progress of development of the learning contents. Partners discussed and agreed on the next deadlines related to the learning content as well as the skills assessment tool. Last but not least, partners discussed also project management and financial issues and topics.
The next partner meeting will be held in October in Riga, Latvia.
For more information about the project, visit the website: https://edugate-project.eu/