Creating And Implementing Education For Sustainable High-End Tourism Throughout Europe
In the beginning of 2022 a partnership between 5 European partners started within the frame of the SUHET (Creating and Implementing Education for Sustainable High-End Tourism throughout Europe. The project is been granted by Erasmus program and will be a 2 year cooperation between LAPIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY (Coordinator, Finland), EUROPEAN CENTER FOR QUALITY OOD (Bulgaria), ERASMUSHOGESCHOOL BRUSSEL (Belgium), UNIVERZA V MARIBORU (Slovenia) and FUNDACIO UNIVERSITAТ AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA (Spain) | |
GOALS The objective of the project is to provide the field of tourism in the participating countries with highly-qualified staff able to respond to current high-end customer needs and foresight future development trends sustainably. The long-term benefits of the project include strengthening the regions’ economy, generating new jobs, steady income, increasing sustainable tourism activities, international networking with other high-end tourism providers in online community, new projects, cooperation with partners to develop new services and businesses with other high-end tourism enterprises | INTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS