WIN-WITH-U Kick-off meeting

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On 27th January 2021, the kick-off meeting of the project “Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” – WIN-WITH-U, Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079826 was held online due to the complicated Covid-19 situation in the partner countries. WIN-WITH-U is developed within Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships and is with 36 months duration starting from November 2020 and ending in October 2023. 

The general aim of the project is to support the inclusion of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in the working system. This will be achieved by raising the employers’ awareness about the issue through the provision of targeted training and by supporting people with ASD in their job-searching process towards employment.

The first meeting was dedicated to presenting in detail the project goals, the planned activities, and the roles of the partners. All participants had the opportunity to introduce their organizations. Deeply described from the coordinator of the project were also the administrative and financial rules of the ERASMUS+ Programme, the plan for the elaboration of the outputs, and a detailed schedule of the activities.