upgrade2europe –Transnational Partner Meeting in Palermo, Italy

  • Post category:News

For the project upgarde2europe (project no.: 2020-1-DE02- KA202-007626) partners met for a project meeting in Palermo, Italy. The meeting was held on 10th-11th, January, 2023 in a blended format (face-to-face and online presence).

During the two-day meeting the consortium partners discussed the project management, financial and administrative issues. All Intellectual Outputs and their development progress was discussed as well. Deadlines and tasks were revised and new ones were set. Special session was dedicated to the results collected from the testing phase and activities that were organised in all partner countries. Partners also discussed the dissemination activities followed by the planning and organization of national dissemination events and the project final conference. During the meeting was also discussed the quality monitoring plan and the activities related to quality assurance. The TPM ended with a summary of the decisions made during the meeting and plan regarding the next partner meeting and the Final conference in Germany.

For more information about the project, visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/upgrade2europe