PERCEIVE – develoPmEnt of quality assuRanCe mEchanisms In VET E-learning environments

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PERCEIVE – develoPmEnt of quality assuRanCe mEchanisms In VET E-learning environments is an ongoing project in the field of VET where ECQ is actively participating. Within the project 7 partners from 5 countries – Bulgaria (ECQ and “Bulgarian-German VET Centre”), Belgium (Association Europeenne Pour La Formation Professionnelle), Germany (EVBB and BK Consult), Greece (AKMI) and Italy (ENAIP) are cooperating and together for achieving the project objectives. Project is specifically aimed at the quality assurance of the design and delivery of Vocational e-learning, including training provision process, such as legislation, financing, organization and management of elearning, technical solutions needed, upskilling of human resources, including VET teaching and other VET staff.

Currently the project is its middle and all partners are trying despite of the circumstances and challenges the consortia is collaborating for quality development of  the project outputs: Defining, designing and delivering of Quality Assurance Framework for VET e-learning.

The main target groups are providers, leaders, teachers and learners in the field of VET and all stakeholders will be able to take use the QA Framework (available online as an interactive resource) covering the design and delivery of e-learning in VET, Certification of Quality for VET e-learning programs, e-learning Courses which are going to be subject of QA, using the new Framework, e-tools related to the adaptation of the QA Framework in the VET system,  training material for VET Professionals.

For the moment we are almost on the final line with Definition of the QA Framework!

More information, news and updates check the official website of the project: