innCREA Kick-off meeting

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On 22th January 2021, the kick-off meeting of the project “Standards for implementing programs aimed at discovering and developing creativity, pioneering in persuit of innovation” – innCREA, Project No 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081849 was held online due to the complicated Covid-19 situation in the partner countries. WIN-WITH-U is developed within Erasmus + Programme and is with 24 months duration starting from December 2020 and ending in December 2022. 

Despite the widespread recognition of the need of creativity, pioneering and innovation in industry, practical guidance and systematic approaches to managing the creativity process are still not available in educational and training framework for HEI.

This is exactly the overall aim of the innCREA project: to transfer, adapt and implement an intergraded training programme package (material and methodologies) for teaching creativity and pioneering in pursuit of innovation in order to develop HE students’ soft skills and, at the same time, contribute do diminish the gap between skills in demand in the labour market and the skills offered by HE courses.

The first meeting was dedicated to presenting in detail the project goals, the planned activities, and the roles of the partners. All participants had the opportunity to introduce their organizations. Deeply described from the coordinator of the project were also the administrative and financial rules of the ERASMUS+ Programme, the plan for the elaboration of the outputs, and a detailed schedule of the activities.