Project title: Innovative Web Approach for Advancing and Sustaining VET Learners’ Wellbeing and Mental Health
Project acronym: StayWell
Reference number: 2020-1-LT01-KA202-078016
Project duration: 24 months (01.11.2020 – 30.10.2022)
Project website: www.staywell-project.eu
Programme: Erasmus +, Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
The project sets the overall aim to develop an innovative web learning approach for advancing and sustaining VET learners’ wellbeing and mental health through the acquisition of social-emotional skills that would help them study effectively, master their life and enter the job market.
- Secondary VET: learners; teachers, educators, trainers and professionals; psychologists and leaders
- Representatives of organisations promoting mental health and wellbeing in secondary VET
- Public bodies involved in secondary VET
- Wellbeing Mapping Frame: a four-pillar framework mapping the factors that affect VET learners’ wellbeing interlined with the skills that need to be developed in order to improve both students’ actual states and achievements (functioning) and the freedom they have (capabilities) to pursue what they value in life.
- Wellbeing Skillbox: a web-based instrument designed to evaluate, track and inform VET learners about their level of psychological, cognitive, social and physical wellbeing, thus enabling students to reflect upon the skills, which could help them improve their wellbeing and mental health.
- Digital Wellbeing Lab: an OER containing web-based learning activities in the form of WebQuests to boost mental health and wellbeing of VET learners.
- Digital Wellbeing Lab Navigation Guide: a guiding tool with a twofold purpose: a)to navigate VET teachers how to use effectively and confidently the Digital Wellbeing Lab in the classroom with regard to boosting VET learners’ wellbeing and mental health; b)to support VET teachers in the design and development of own WebQuest-based activities on the same or other subject areas, thus further improving their pedagogical approaches related to challenge-based learning.
StayWell project will result in raising the issue about the importance of tackling students’ health risk behaviours in VET schools, thus contributing to the creation of a favourable environment in Europe for developing, nurturing and sustaining VET learners’ wellbeing.
- University of Applied Sciences (VIKO), Lithuania (coordinator) – viko.lt
- Mental Health Perspectives (PSP), Lithuania – perspektyvos.org
- Foyle International Ltd., United Kingdom – foyle.eu
- Kütahya Dumlupinar University (DPU), Turkey – dumlupinar.edu.tr
- European Center for Quality Ltd. (ECQ), Bulgaria – ecq-bg.com
- The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI, Greece – iek-akmi.gr
- The International Youth Health Organization (YHO), Slovenia – apyn.org