The Local Career Day in Bulgaria was organized by ECQ on 28.11.2019. The event was dedicated to “Employability Opportunities for Hearing Impaired People” and it aimed to present and disseminate all project results and to contact people with hearing impairments with different employment status with employers and other institutions related to employability of people with hearing impairments such as employment agencies, educational institutions, media, etc.
The event took place at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and it was organized in the framework of the 10-th anniversary of the annual career forum of JobTiger – one of the biggest job searching platforms, with the support of UNWE Career Development Center and UNWE Student Council.
During the event, all final proHear products were presented including proHear training course and interactive platform for improving the employability of hearing impaired people and Empowerment Kit for hearing impaired people. The project video and videos with successful stories and promotional materials were shown on the stand of the ProHear project for wider awareness and motivation. The hearing impaired people had the chance to meet and submit their portfolios to more than 80 employers and HR companies who presented their activity, work opportunities and available job positions.