T-Challenge Multiplier event in Bulgaria

  • Post category:News

A multiplier event under project “Entrepreneurship education using challenge-based learning – T-Challenge”, project reference № 2017-1-LV01-KA202-035453 was held on 24th October 2019 at Park Hotel St. Petersburg in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The event was attended by a total of 25 participants from Plovdiv region.

The main goal of the Bulgarian multiplier event was, firstly, to introduce the project to various stakeholders – mainly teachers/trainers, experts working with young people (youth workers), experts from VET organisations and other interested parties. Secondly, to present the T-Challenge Webquests platform. The event ended with evaluation session and discussion about the Webquests methodology and the Erasmus+ programme. Afterwards participants were invited at networking cocktail to further exchange ideas and network.

The feedback received from the participants was very positive. They stated their interest in the innovative learning methodology and its usefulness in the education of VET students. Moreover, the participants expressed their willingness to get involved in using the T-Challenge resources and engage in the project sustainability activities.

Further news and updates are available at: www.t-challenge.eu