On 29.11.2022 in Sofia DEESME workshop was carried out within the framework of the XVI Annual National Conference of the Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies (29-30.11.2022) on the topic: “Energy Efficiency and RES – Challenges of the Energy Transition and Energy Poverty”. The event brought together representatives of ministries, state institutions, embassies, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of the Environment and Water, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, industry organizations, energy agencies and centers, academic circles, municipalities, experts and companies from all sectors of the economy.
During the event there were over 100 participants, including the main and parallel sessions and 37 online. In the parallel session where DEESME workshop took place there were 24 attendees and 18 online participants.
The main goal of the event was raising awareness and developing an understanding of the DEESME multiple benefits approach and the multiple energy and non-energy benefits among companies and key actors.
The event provided useful insights related to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources for all industrial and non-industrial users, including:
– Financial instruments for energy efficiency in enterprises;
– Solutions for decarbonization and low-emission urban development;
– Legislative aspects for the development of energy communities in Bulgaria and good practices in the EU;
– Solutions to overcome energy poverty.